lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

GHEE for The Instruments (I)

GHEE is presenting two different outfits for The Instruments Feb edition
Here is the first one....

Ghee Acacia dress set

Full of possibilities including drees, socks, boots, glasses, head piece...

I am sure you will have a funny time dressing it
Available for The Instruments from Feb 10th to 26th

Acacia set is:
School Girl Dress - 6 textures
Flower Glasses - 3 shapes, 2 textures 6 colors each by HUD
Acacia Knee Socks - 2 textures 6 colors each + Appliers for mesh bodies
Acacia Rose Hairpiece - 2 textures 6 colors each by HUD
Boots with Buttons - 3 textures + Buttons in 2 textures 6 colors each by HUD
Makeup by myself
Mesh Head Alex from LOGO

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