martes, 16 de junio de 2020


Glitter Carol Fitmesh Bodysuit

Available in 19 colors

2 Fat Packs
1 fatpack with 8 Light colors plus 2 bonus colors

and the other one with 8 Strong colors plus 2 bonus colors
Also available in a FULL FAT PACK with 17 colors included plus 2 Bonus colors

for BELLEZA (Venus, Freya, Isis), MAITREYA, SLINK (Physique, Hourglass), TONIC ( Fine, Curvy), Altamura, eBODY and Legacy

100% original mesh bag for the June round of eBENTO The event.,Materials Enabled 
Available in 10 colors
Hand and Arm poses

evh Mana Ruines
Texture change by HUD
Singles, Couples, Dance, Sex
All of above is exclusive at eBento the Event

TRUTH Vivid hair

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