sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

Ghee - Kultivate Spring Fashion Event

You will love these two gowns that GHEE has released for


Head piece + Shawl + Skirt + OMEGA applier Top

there are 3 sets to choose

Elegant and sensual

La Corolle Rose Dress

8 really lovely textures by HUD

I do really love this one 


and of course, the shoes!
Ghee Pinky Peeptoes
6 Colors

All of above will be available at The Kultivate Spring Fashion Event
from Feb 11th to March 2nd
Tableau Vivant \\ Wrap up
Lazuri Blume Earrings
Lazuri Prana Bracelet
Makeup by Alge's Designs (LeLutka mesh head)
Poses by Glitter Poses

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